No-Cook Maple Candies
Recipes with Maple Sugar / Recipes with Maple Syrup / Treats

- 5 oz fine maple sugar
- 4 teaspoons maple syrup (preferably very dark syrup for its strong flavour)
- Pour the maple sugar into a bowl. Add 5 ml (1 teaspoon) maple syrup at a time. After each addition, knead the sugar to evenly moisten the mixture.
- Repeat until you obtain a moist, sandy texture (it should hold together when pressed through your fingers).
- Fill the wells of a chocolate mould* with the mixture, pressing firmly. Level with a spatula, removing any excess sugar.
- Unmould candies immediately onto a dry work surface. You will need to tap gently to pop the candies out. Some may resist, but keep tapping and eventually they will come out.
- Let stand for one hour before handling.
These no-cook maple candies will keep for one month in a dry place.
* Chocolate moulds can be found in kitchen supply stores.
The Quebec Maple Syrup Producers is not in any way responsible for the identification or presence of allergens in recipes or for the classification of any recipe as vegetarian or vegan.